About Us
The Prosperity and Financial Health Index is a joint research project of Česká spořitelna, the Europe in Data portal and the Institute of Sociology of the CAS. The Index measures and analyzes the prosperity of the Czech Republic and the level of financial health of the Czechs in the long term.
The Prosperity Index measures and analyzes the prosperity of the Czech Republic and compares it with other European countries. The Index conceptualizes prosperity in a broad socio-economic framework not only as a set of macroeconomic indicators, but also measures it in terms of quality of life and indicators such as social cohesion, population health, quality of education, safety, housing availability and business conditions. The index consists of ten thematic pillars, which are made up of socio-economic data indicators (e.g. GDP, number of robots per capita, research expenditure, property inequality, share of people without financial reserves, etc.) from publicly available sources (Eurostat, OECD, etc.) or from data from Česká spořitelna’s analytical team.
The Financial Health Index measures and analyzes the financial health of Czechs and Czech households in six basic parameters:
- Short-term financial reserve
- Long-term financial reserve
- Housing
- Debt
- Insurance
- Economic overview
The index is based on the analysis of data obtained as part of regular sociological surveys on a representative sample of the Czech population aged 18-65, which are conducted by Česká spořitelna and the Institute of Sociology of the CAS. The data collection is conducted online by Ipsos.
Data documents and more detailed information on individual analyses are freely available to the media and other interested parties on request.
We calculate the results of each of the ten pillars of the Czech Prosperity Index using at least ten indicators related to the given issue. We draw this data from open sources such as Eurostat, OECD, WHO, World Bank or UN. We recalculate each metric according to the ranking of the EU-27 countries and arrive at the results for each of the ten pillars in the same way. We weight each indicator equally to avoid favoring or neglecting any of the variables. In a similar way to how we calculate the results of each thematic pillar, we then calculate the resulting Prosperity Index of the Czech Republic at the end of the year, which is then based on nearly a hundred metrics.
For the Financial Health Index, we work with Ipsos, with whom we conduct surveys that focus on six core areas of financial health. The data collection is conducted online on a representative sample of the Czech population aged 18-65, whose composition corresponds to the structure of the Czech population.
The analytical team
Tomáš Odstrčil
Chief Editor, Europe in Data
Milan Mařík
Data Analyst, Europe in Data
David Navrátil
Chief Economist, Česká spořitelna
Tereza Hrtúsová
Analyst, Česká spořitelna
Monika Hrubá
Chief Financial Health Officer, Česká spořitelna
Kamila Fialová
Economist, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Index prosperity a finančního zdraví © 2021 by DFMG is licensed under CC BY 4.0